Top Rated Thai Fonts and Thai Calligraphic Designs
This page offers top rated fonts and calligraphic designs in Thai Language offered by You can find the list of top performning and highest rated fonts here, which are useful for personal and business occasions. If you are looking for some other fonts you can use advanced thai font search tool offered by
The Thai language is written using its own unique alphabet, which was derived from the old Khmer script. Known as ‘ aksorn Thai ’ (อักษรไทย), the Thai script is used primarily throughout Thailand and neighbouring regions. At first glance, Thai writing appears to be made up of a lot of squiggles, circles and lines. Thai language is one of the Abugida Languages. Being one of the abugida languages, vowel markings must be attached to a consonant letter. The consonants are always written in order from left to right, but vowels have rules where it must be written to the left, right, top, or bottom of the first consonant in each syllable. The Thai language does not use punctuation like in English, but not to the same extent. While full stops/periods can be used to signify the end of a sentence, blank spaces are used more often. Commas can also appear with the same function as in English. There are brackets and quotation marks too.
You can download thousands of free thai fonts which clearly helps you out in drafting letters, blogposts and magazine articles using thai language. Also, if you want to open business in Thailand or nearby regions, you can design Logos for Business, Hoarding Boards using these free fonts. If you are not sure which font to begin with, you can choose one amongst the best rated fonts, else, do explore the most downloaded thai fonts as well. You can also explore Hindi Fonts, Free Marathi Fonts, Free Tamil Fonts, Free Telugu Fonts, Free Thai Fonts, Free Chinese Fonts, Free Arabic and Urdu Typefaces etc. using the Rocky Fonts network.